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How do we Gain Perspective?

Gaining Perspective. Approaching life from a bird’s eye view. Adopting a broader vision. A wider point of view. One that contains the entire perceivable environment, be it visual or conceptual. The ability to see the characteristics and relationships between elements on a greater scale.

We live in a 3D world, but the limit of our perception as human beings with consciousness is really 4D: 3 physical dimensions and the 4th one is time.

So really, all we need to gain a wider perspective is to look at Life in terms of Space and Time.

When it comes to the idea of space, we can reduce it to the following 5 layers:

  1. Individual

  2. Family

  3. Community

  4. Society

  5. Environment

In regards to the idea of time, we have another 5 layers to consider:

  1. History

  2. Personal Past

  3. Present

  4. Personal Future

  5. Legacy

If we want to have a meaningful existence during the time we have on this Earth, we need to always keep at the back of our mind this Broad Map of Space and Time.

When we lose perspective, we dig ourselves a really big hole.

If we don't know our place in society, we get controlled by forces outside of us.

If we don't understand how inter-connected we are, if we don't know how we affect our environment, we won't know how it will eventually affect us.

In other words, if we don't understand our environment, it will control us.

If we don't know our history, we'll end up repeating the same mistakes.

If we don't have a clear vision of how we want our future to look like, we will become but "victims of fate".

So we need to understand our Life and its positioning in the Broader Space-Time Existence.

Q: How do we manage our Life's Broad Space-Time Perspective?

A: Read all about it in my next post >>>

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