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Stainless Steel
made from steel

There's a great number of materials out there, which are either natural or man-made.
How these materials are extracted or produced? How many resources are required to extract or produce them?
What happens when we throw them away? Are they biodegradable or recyclable?

Are they sustainable or hazardous? How do they affect our health and our environment?

Let's answer all these questions by analyzing the most common everyday materials.

The Good

  • It's mostly made from sand

  • Silicon is the second most occuring element on Earth 

  • No wasted materials emerge from the process of making it

  • Silicones save energy and money by making buildngs and manufacturing processes more energy efficient

  • Silicones last longer

  • Silicones can reduce waste

  • Silicones can be recycled

  • They are non-toxic and safe


The History of Stuff

The Evil

  • Silicone is not naturally obtained, it is a man-made chemical.

  • The process of making silicone is long and uses a lot of energy

  • It is not biodegradable

  • For the most household items, there are natural alternatives to silicone (ex. bamboo, ceramics, iron, glass etc.)

  • In the majority of communities there are no silicone recycling centers.

Is Silicone Zero Waste?

Only if you decide to use it to isolate your windows to save heat and energy.

We're waiting for your ideas!

We're waiting for your ideas!

We're waiting for your ideas!

made from silicon, which is made from sand.

We're waiting for your ideas!

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